Sponsor Us
We believe in growing together :)

Techsahead community is an open platform for all students to learn
and grow together. At Techsahead we believe in the power of
knowledge to enhance humanity and make greater impacts. We
organize peer to peer learning sessions, engage with people, provide
mentorships and make sure you learn from the best.

We are a non-profit community. Local businesses and MNCs which can
shower their love and support to the community for reaching to their goals.

Sponsorship Guidelines:
Email *
Your Name *
Designation in your organization *
Organization name *
Organization mail *
Contact number (preferably WhatsApp number) *
Time slot you are available in for discussion: *
Days in which you are available for selected time slot: *
Tell us something about your organization *
Website link (if none then write NA) *
You want to sponsor as? *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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