Language Assistance Advisory Committee Application (DUE 1/10/2023)
The NYC Civic Engagement Commission (CEC) is seeking volunteers to serve on the Language Assistance Advisory Committee (LAAC)
LAAC members will play an important role in developing and implementing the CEC's poll site language assistance program. Volunteers with a passion and commitment to ensuring all New Yorkers are able to exercise the right to vote are strongly encouraged to apply!
- Attend and participate in scheduled meetings
- Provide recommendations for the development and implementation of the poll site language assistance program which will provide in-person bilingual oral interpretation services for certain limited English proficient voters at elections held in New York City. Such recommendations may relate to:
a. Targeting discrete language communities across the City for interpretation services based on quantitative, demographic and qualitative information;
b. Planning operations and logistics of interpretation services;
c. Recruiting, retaining, and training of bilingual poll site interpreters;
d. Promoting the program through ethnic media and social media, or by other means, to reach LEP voters and their communities;
- Assist the Civic Engagement Commission’s efforts to promote public education and awareness regarding the program;
- Provide feedback on the program, which may include feedback on outreach materials, educational materials, interpreter training, and promotional and messaging strategies;
- 1 year term (renewable)
- Attend at least 75% of monthly meetings as scheduled unless excused in advance, missing two consecutive meetings in a row unexcused may result in removal from committee.
-Assist with LAAC meetings by helping to develop agenda, facilitate group/break out discussions, take notes, and additional duties on a rotation basis.
- Responsible for at least one public engagement event per election cycle to promote CEC poll site program and/or general information session. This can include connecting CEC staff to community organizations and events of interest where staff may present information about the poll site language assistance program, or advise CEC on planning events to reach language communities being served by the poll site program.
We will select members of LAAC based upon the following criteria though candidates are not required to meet all of them:
- A passion for civic participation and a commitment to ensuring all New Yorkers are able to exercise their right to vote.
- Fluency in a language other than English, including but not limited to a designated citywide language, such as: Spanish, Chinese (Mandarin or Cantonese), Russian, Haitian Creole, Korean, Bengali, Urdu, French, Polish, Arabic, Yiddish, and Italian.
- Skills or expertise relevant to promoting the poll site language assistance program.
- Expertise in language accessibility or experience working with limited English proficient individuals within the City.
- Experience in community organizing, election administration, civic engagement, electoral campaigns, data analysis, and/or voter registration.
- Availability to attend all Language Assistance Advisory Committee meetings
- An ability to work in a group setting where diversity is valued and different perspectives are freely exchanged in a respectful manner
- Have no conflicts of interest that would infringe upon their ability to serve on the committee.