Baruch Hashem, we have grown over the years and we continue to offer more minyanim and programming for our members and community! We need your to help to continue to thrive.

Please take a few moments to read below about our shul committees and let us know in which one(s) you'd like to get involved.

If you don't wish to get involved in a *committee* at this time, but you're available to help the shul community or office in other ways, please scroll down and fill out the form as well.

Thank you in advance!
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Committee Descriptions
BIKUR CHOLIM: *NEW COMMITTEE* Arranging for people to visit our members in need, in hospitals or at home.
*How you can help*  Looking for leaders to take on Chair/Co-Chair and member roles

CHEVRA KADISHA: Tahara, Setting up Shiva Houses, Covering mirrors in shiva home, meals, seudat havra'ah, and minyanim [Multiple Chairs]
*How you can help* Let us know if you'd like to get involved.

CULTURAL: Responsible to plan and implement educational programming throughout the year. [Multiple Chairs]
*How you can help* Looking for leaders to take on Chair/Co-Chair and member roles. Help reach out to speakers, make suggestions and connections to create new programs for the shul.

DINNER: Plan, implement and fundraise for the annual dinner [Chairs: Assigned each year]
*How you can help* Let us know if you'd like to get involved.

EVENTS: *NEW COMMITTEE* Social programming for adults - individuals and couples, around the holidays and just for fun.
*How you can help* Looking for leaders to take on Chair/Co-Chair and member roles

HOSPITALITY: *NEW COMMITTEE* People to help visitors and/or new and existing members with meal placements for Shabbat, yom tov and smachot.
*How you can help* Looking for leaders to take on Chair/Co-Chair roles, members, and hosts

MEMBERSHIP: Welcome potential and new members, and help guide members into acclimating to the community. (Ex. taking note of new faces in minyan and reporting to gabbaim and hosting committee, and helping new families meet people by finding them meals.)  [Chairs: Greg Duftler, Alyssa Pomerantz]
*How you can help* Looking for leaders to take on member roles and reaching out to potential and new members. Also minyan representatives and "greeters" to spot new faces in the crowd and bring them into the fold.

SISTERHOOD: The Sisterhood runs numerous fundraising events to benefit the shul and select classes and programs. (Examples include: holiday cards, mishloach manot, annual breakfast, boutiques, and bake sales, shavuot tea, adult classes such as Prime Time and women's learning programs - see below) Additionally the Sisterhood sponsors many varied shiurim throughout the year.   [Chairs: Lauri Barbanel and Yael Gurevich]
*how you can help" Looking for leaders to take on Chair/Co-Chair roles of subcommittees, and members, and programming and events

TZEDAKAH: Research Institutions and facilitate 3 main tzedakot per year and ensure the funds are properly distributed.
*How you can help* Looking for new members

WOMEN'S LEARNING INITIATIVE: Subcommittee of the Sisterhood, they plan and implement women's educational programs throughout the year. [Multiple Chairs]
*How you can help* Suggest ideas and help recruit attendees for programs

YOMIM NORAIM SEATING: Arrange and coordinate Yomim Noraim seating for all minyanim.  [Chairs: Doba Isaacs, Shevy Ogorek]
*How you can help* Looking for leaders to co-chair and member roles.

YOUTH: Support the Youth Department Director and staff. Help with fundraising and program recruitment/attendance [Chairs: Amy Bodner, Clara Sokol]
*How you can help* Looking for people to help recruit, publicize, and volunteer at events

Can you help us fill in the gaps and get involved in one - or more - of our shul committees, or help us out in other ways? Click through to the next section.
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