GTG - The Baker's Wife Audition Registration Form
Please complete the questions below to register for the Baker's Wife Audition Day on 8th September 2024
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Name *
Email *
Contact phone number *
If you could audition with any song from any show, what would it be?
Playing Age
If you are under 18 please tell us your actual age
Vocal Range (If you know it)
Please list any dance/instrument skills that you have
Tell us about any parts you have previously played either with GTG or other groups.
Are you currently a member of Godalming Theatre Group?
(If you are cast and not already a member, you will be required to pay either a show fee or full membership.)
Which part(s) would you like to audition for? Please write "ensemble" if you do not wish to audition for a named role. 
If you are not cast in a principal role are you happy to be in the ensemble?
Would you be willing to play a role of the opposite gender?
Are you able to attend our audition afternoon on Sunday 8th September
Rehearsals start in January, with the show being the week commencing April 7th 2025. Please detail here any known unavailability.
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