Colorado River BOCES                            Equipment & Assessment Checkout
Please fill out the Equipment and Assessment Checkout completely.

The Colorado River BOCES does their best to fulfill every equipment and assessment order.
Deliveries take time, please submit your equipment and assessment order in a timely manner.  It is the CRBOCES goal to complete every equipment and assessment request.
Please only check out 1 assessment at a time to make sure that they are processed.

Drop off/Pickup locations
*Re-2--District Office
*Garfield 16--District Office or inner district mail
*Other Glenwood--Yampah Mtn. High School
                                                                                                                  updated 10/15/2020
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Email *
District *
Your Name *
Request Date *
Specialist *
I just need some protocols.  List the specific name/protocol you need. In the next question list the amount you need. (Please list 1 assessment protocol at a time. If you need multiple Protocols please submit another request.)
I need (number) of protocols.
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