Liberation Oriented Group Supervision- Virtual
Are you looking to get consultation or your hours signed off on by an LCSW that incorporates in an anti-oppression framework? This offering for group supervision will hold as a foundational understanding the ways in which oppression, systemic inequalities, class, race, etc impact clinical issues. Often times our field looks at people through an individualistic lens and we focus on what our clients can and should do for themselves. And although that is often relevant, it is equally relevant to acknowledge and work with other factors that weigh on their circumstances. Many of us come from collectivist cultures and we hold a more holistic view around wellness. 

If you want your agency/org to pay, please contact me to work through the details.

A little about the facilitator's intentions. 
When I was training and gaining hours I never had access to a supervisor of color. And even when there were BIPOC supervisors above me they never brought social justice values into our space. Essentially I was trained in white washed spaces where oppression and inequalities were mentioned but never worked with in the clinical space. I have had to untrain myself and retrain myself alongside my peers. I am a cis-het, non Black woman of color of South Asian descent. I identify as Muslim. I have my own trauma history as well. And I live with many privileges even within those identities and am constantly working on growing, learning and using my privileges towards a liberated future for all. 

I am a licensed clinical social worker who has been working in the field since 2005 (licensed in 2012). I have worked for non profits serving foster youth, domestic violence survivors and refugees resettling in the US, I have also worked internationally as a humanitarian worker, before starting my own private practice. When I first started out, there were almost no other Muslim therapists, so I founded the Bay Area Muslim Mental Health Professionals collaborative. In addition, I have initiated many foundational supports for mental health clinicians that have come after me through my agency work and through various Therapists of Color (now BIPOC) groups. I incorporate an understanding of oppression and intergenerational trauma into the way I work and am passionate about issues surrounding belonging, attachment trauma and empowering oneself through trauma. I specialize in working with folks, either fighting for social justice change or those most impacted by oppression in this country.  In 2018 (pre-covid) I embarked on a personal and professional journey to start a fully remote virtual private practice while traveling the world. I am trained in a relational psychodynamic approach (through the Women's Therapy Center) and also trained with generative somatics. I have traveled to 47 countries, mostly solo. My biggest joys are my nibblings, siblings and travel. My dream recently came to fruition and I became a first time mom in my 40's.

Group will be capped at 8. Is open to licensed or unlicensed clinicians. This group will strive towards creating safety for all oppressed people and will be LGBTQ+ affirming.
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If you want your hours signed off on, where are you with your hours?
What licensure route are you moving towards, if any?
Can you rearrange your schedule to make Mondays from 11:30-1:30pm PST work on a weekly basis? *
Why do you want to join this group?
What do you want me to know about you
I understand that I will be responsible for paying $85/weekly to hold my spot in the group, this will be a 6 month commitment for now. *
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