Christian Fiction Christmas Scavenger Hunt!
Join us on a scavenger hunt through 26 Christian fiction Christmas stories! Enter to win one of three amazing prizes! First place is $300 Amazon gift card, second place is $150 Amazon gift card, third place is $75 Amazon gift card! Giveaway closes December 16, 2019, at 11:59 PM EST.
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Join us on a scavenger hunt through 26 Christian fiction Christmas stories! Note that you must correctly answer the questions for ALL 26 authors in order to qualify to enter to win $300 Amazon gift card (first place), $150 Amazon gift card (second place), $75 Amazon gift card (third place)!
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Author 1: Hallee Bridgeman (find the blog at this link: What is the name of Joe Westcott's Boat? *
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Author 2: Carrie Turansky (find her blog at this link: What was Annie's favorite treat at Jameson's Bakery when she was a teen? *
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Author 3: Pam Harris and Katt Anderson (find the blog at this link: What is the name of the horse Kyla treats on her first visit to Graceland? *
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Author 4: Izzy James (find her blog at this link: What is Sliverbelle allergic to? *
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Author 5: Karen Witemeyer (find the blog at this link: What toy did Jim Archer carve as a Christmas present for Billy? *
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Author 6: Jan Thompson (find her blog at this link: What didn’t Cyrus get to buy? *
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Author 7: Davalynn Spencer (find her blog at this link: What is the unusual occurrence that needs “precise conditions” before it can happen? *
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Author 8: Sarah Hamaker (find her blog at this link: What kind of sandwiches does Isabella serve? *
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Author 9: Richard L. Mabry, MD (find his blog at this link: Other than the family members, who else thinks they should be considered when allotting the estate of the dead woman? *
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Author 10: Zoe M. McCarthy (find her blog at this link: What did Cam ask Amanda for when he came to her door? *
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Author 11: Marissa Shrock (find her blog at this link: What are the names of Georgia's twin stepbrothers? *
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Author 12: Amanda Tru (find her blog at this link: What is the name of the dog Emily picks up from the vet? *
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Author 13: Linda Shenton Matchett (find her blog at this link: What is the name of the requisitioned country home where Emma is stationed? *
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Author 14: Valerie Comer (find her blog at this link: What is the name of Cheri's horse? *
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Author 15: Lacy Williams (find her blog at this link: What is the name of Mallory's family ranch? *
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Author 16: Mikal Dawn (find her blog at this link: What did Talia’s aunt make her for breakfast? *
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Author 17: Pam Green (find her blog at this link: What is the name of Hank Cochran’s retirement home chain? *
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Author 18: Sally Bayless (find her blog at this link: What is the name of Lanie’s sister?   *
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Author 19: Andrea Boyd (find her blog at this link: What is the name of Chase's boss? *
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Author 20: Julie Arduini (find her blog at this link: What is the name of Holly's uncle? *
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Author 21: Rosey Lee (find her blog at this link: What is the title of the Christmas-themed story in Beautiful, Complicated Family: Volume 2? *
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Author 22: Carey Jane Clark (find her blog at this link: What major landmark do Alfie and Adele visit? *
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Author 23: Julie Lessman (find her blog at this link: What kind of cologne does Collin wear? *
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Author 24: Joi Copeland (find her blog at this link: What special needs does Landon have? *
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Author 25: Laura Landon (find her blog at this link:  What song presented a breathtaking moment for Tillie on Christmas Eve? *
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Author 26: Christina Sinisi (find her blog at this link: What is Tiffany's niece's name? *
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