Request for Leave of Absence Form (Medical or Military LOA)

Students should request a Leave of Absence (LOA) by contacting the schools Student Resources Coordinator. A student may be granted an LOA for documentable medical or military reasons ONLY and will only be considered if the school determines that there is reasonable expectation that the student will return following LOA and within a reasonable timeframe (not to extend past 180 calendar days). Students requesting a LOA are required to continue attending class until approval. If a student ceases attendance prior to the LOA approval they may be subject to being involuntarily withdrawn. If unforeseen circumstances prevent a student from requesting the LOA, the student may submit the LOA request within 14 days of their last day of attendance. 

LOA’s are not offered in the Introductory Module of their program except in the case of extenuating medical circumstances when the Program Director may approve a medical LOA to be determined on a case by case basis. Students will be required to retake all courses that were not completed with a passing grade and may be required to retake courses as a review if deemed necessary by the Program Director. The Student Resources Coordinator and Program Director will determine the returning students' placement once they return from LOA. Should the remaining course rotation include any previously completed courses, the student may be required to attend those courses again or follow steps for voluntary withdrawal and all re-enrollment steps in order to complete the program.

The approval and length of a LOA will be determined individually and based on specific circumstances and can not extend past 180 calendar days. More than one LOA within a program may result in a student being required to withdraw. The LOA will not  involve additional charges to the student. The total period of all LOA’s will not be considered as time elapsing for Maximum Program Completion Time purposes. 

Return Following a Leave of Absence 

A student who fails to return from a LOA, without communication on the date indicated on the LOA approval form will  be withdrawn from the program on the following scheduled school day and the school will invoke the Withdrawal Policy. All LOA returns will be required to repeat the entire course from which they elected to take the LOA if they did not receive a final grade prior to the leave. The Student Resources Coordinator and Program Director are authorized to extend the LOA date as needed to ensure the student can return to the most successful course rotation possible. 

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Email *
Please provide your full legal name which is on file: *
What is the best phone number to contact you? *
What is the best email address to contact you? *
What is your current program class code?            (eg. JA20ED, FB20MD...) *
Which type of LOA are you taking? *
Please explain in detail why a LOA (leave of absence) is the best course of action for you now: *
What is your prospective return date? (What date do you anticipate being ready to return to the program? Be advised, this is not your scheduled return date - your scheduled return date will be pending administration review) *
Please explain in detail what actions you have planned in order to help you return within your expected time frame: *
Please sign your name: *
Please provide today's date: *
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