5-12 Years Old only [Feb 2024] Registration Form - Hollandse Club Swim / Lego Camp
Morning Program. 9am-12noon

  • Learn to Swim: 5 to 7 years old (conducted at the heated instruction pool)
  • To join this camp children are required to be able to swim 10m without floats.

  • Stroke Correction: 7 to12 years old (conducted at the 25m main pool)
  • To join this camp children are required to be able to swim 25m without floats.

Afternoon Program 1-4pm

  • Cube Cubs 5-12 years old

Cube Cubs is a child-centered program where children are in charge and can choose what they would like to build.   They can build their favorite Lego sets alone or with friends or work on a freestyle dream project. 
Under the supervision of our experienced and motivated team, we will help and guide the children to build their dream!    We believe strongly in guiding children to achieve their goals.   Learning can be done by playing and should be done in a fun way.

Members: Swimming only
Per day : SGD 70.00 (incl. GST)

4 day full week : $250.00 (incl. GST)

Members: Full day Swimming + Cube Cubs 
SGD $125,- per day (incl. GST)

4 day full week : $480.00 (incl. GST),

Non-members pay an additional $10.00 per day.

. Non-members need to make an upfront payment by pay-now and send a shot screen to hollandse@aquaducks.com.sg to ensure their slot is reserved.

Fee includes drink and snack

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Date of Birth *
Name of Child *
Email address *
Singapore Phone number *
Membership number *
Sign up for 1/2 day or Full day *
Camp Dates *
Food allergies/medication (if not please answer no) *
Terms and Condition
I, the parent from the above section, hereby undertake to indemnify Swim Centre Verhoef (aquaDucks), Cube Cubs and the Hollandse Club against any liability, expense, cost or proceedings whatsoever arising in respect of any personal injury or death of any person or damage to any property arising out of or suffered as a result of participation in the above course/activity. I, the applicant accept all the terms and conditions of this form. Cancellation is possible up to 5 days before the reserved camp dates.

No-show Policy
1. Please do note to give us at least 5 day's notice if you are not able to make it.
2. Failure to turn up without prior notice will still be chargeable. 
3. Non-members need to make a upfront payment by pay-now and send a shot screen to hollandse@aquaducks.com.sg to ensure their slot is reserved.
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