Roving with Rosalind - Expression of interest
Roving with Rosalind is a UK Space Agency funded project run by PhD students from the University of Glasgow and the Natural History Museum of London. We have free loanable kits for school-aged pupils across the UK to carry out real Mars-mission like activities in clubs, classrooms and laboratories.

Please use this form if you are interested in getting young people involved in these hands on activities, and we'll be in touch to sort out posting the kits to you along with everything you need to deliver them.

Your details will be stored in a password protected spreadsheet until December 2021; if you wish for them to be removed before this, please email us at If you would prefer not to use this google form to express an interest, contact us at

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Due to data protection, you cannot fill this form in if you are under 18. Please ask a parent, guardian, teacher etc to get in touch instead!
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