"SMCCCD Lab Rates are Shamefully Low"         Post-Message Member Survey
Let AFT know your thoughts, comments, and concerns regarding the information shown in our "SMCCCD Lab Rates are Shamefully Low" Action Update message, shared 08/22/2023.
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Which of the following best describes your discipline? *
1. Do you ever teach labs?
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2. Do you have any feedback on or concerns with AFT's proposal to raise lab rates across disciplines? Please use this space to share them.
3. All other issues aside, would you vote YES to ratify a contract that maintains the District's current allocation of Faculty Load Credits (FLCs) to labs?

Currently when faculty teach labs, they receive 70 to 80% of the FLC per hour as faculty teaching lecture. The District has not proposed a change to lab rates this negotiation cycle.

4. Now that mediation is over, up to four non-negotiating AFT members are allowed to join current bargaining sessions.

Are you interested in joining the upcoming contract negotiations scheduled for the end August?

Session 1Wednesday 8/23, 3-5pm

Session 2: Wednesday 8/30, 2-4 pm

Session 3: Wednesday 8/30, 4-5 pm
5. If you answered "Yes" to Question 3, please add your name to the following Negotiations Sign-Up Sheet and a fellow AFT member will reach out to you shortly!
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Do you have any other comments you'd like to share with AFT's negotiating and/or messaging team? (optional)
Thank you for helping us act strategically to win the contract we deserve! 
- Your AFT Messaging Team :) 
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