Workshop 1: Women in Geospatial Sciences, Building leaders for tomorrow
The objective of the workshop is to build a TRELIS network within and between PSU and SU by providing an opportunity for career coaching that will enable women to build a network of mentors and peers. The interactive workshops that address themes discussed during the TRELIS workshop in Madison, including: Work-Life Integration (WLI), Career Trajectories & Leadership (TL), Mentoring & Coaching (ML), Communication & Language (CL) and Obstacles, Conflicts & Solutions (OCS).

The workshop will provide a ‘safe place’ to foster discussions and to bring together women faculty in the geospatial sciences from PSU and SU. The workshop is open to women who work in the geospatial sciences at all career stages, including mid- and early-career faculty, staff, post-docs, and graduate students.

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Participation: Tell us which dates you can attend (we will select one based on when the majority of respondents can attend.  The workshop will run from 2pm on Day 1 through 4pm Day 2) *
If accepted for the workshop would you require funding for transportation and accomodation? *
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