Collaborate with Berlin City Auto Group!
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Join our group of local New England creators.
Here's how it works.
1.  Apply to be an Easy Inspiration Photographer by filling out the form below.

2.  We'll select and reach out to 1-2 photographers each month

3.  You can take a day, a weekend, or even a whole week, and we'll lend YOU a vehicle to go on a New England road trip, capturing inspiring scenes and stories with your camera. Bring friends, a furry companion, or go solo–it’s totally up to you.

4.  While you’re on your trip, be sure and capture a diverse collection of photos, ranging from shots that feature your vehicle in action, to pictures highlighting the sites and scenery you come across.

5.  When you finish your trip, drop the car off at the dealership, and we’ll work together to get your content in our brand catalogs, websites, videos, and other marketing materials. We’ll also feature your adventure and photographs on our blog, websites, and social media channels!

Please complete all required fields in the form below to apply.
Fill out all required fields.
First Name *
Last Name *
Date of Birth *
Where do you currently live? (Town, State) *
Example: Portland, ME
Do you have a Valid Driver's License? *
Why do you want to be part of our Easy Inspiration Project? *
What kind of creator do you consider yourself? (We encourage all levels to participate!) *
Tell us a bit about your photography background and style. How long have you been a photographer? How would you describe your work and the kinds of things you enjoy photographing? *
Please provide links to your website/portfolio and/or social media channels. *
Tell us about your dream New England road trip! Where do you hope to go? Are there specific people, places, or things you hope to capture? What kinds of activities do you want to do along the way? Will you be going alone or bringing a friend(s)? How long would you like your trip to be? *
As needed, we love to capture our photographers in action! Would you be okay with us filming you and your process? *
How did you learn about Easy Inspiration? *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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