Phone number (This will be used only for RSA communications. RSA instructors, leaders, and other volunteers may need to contact you while your family is at RSA, so all members are responsible for answering calls from unfamiliar numbers while at RSA.) *
Your answer
Is it ok for us to text this phone number? *
What city do you live in? *
Your answer
How many years has your family been involved with RSA? *
Which of these best describe your family's schooling situation? (select all that apply) *
What age group will your child(ren) be in for 2024-25? (child's age on Sept 15, 2024)
Indicate how many children you have in each age group:
none this age
0-2 years old
3-5 years
6-9 years
10-13 years
14-18 years
over 18, still in high school
18+, not in h.s., but plan to attend RSA classes
none this age
0-2 years old
3-5 years
6-9 years
10-13 years
14-18 years
over 18, still in high school
18+, not in h.s., but plan to attend RSA classes
What are your main reason(s) for joining RSA?
(select all that apply) *
How did you find out about Renaissance School of the Arts? *
Do you have certification or training in CPR or first aid, or other medical training that may be helpful to RSA's community? *
Your answer
If you would be interested in being called as a substitute, to fill in for an absent instructor (this may be last minute or otherwise short notice), please briefly describe which type of classes you feel qualified to help with, and your training background/experience.
Your answer
Is there anything else you would like us to know about your family? *
Your answer
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