Georgetown Ventures Spring 2025 Startup Application
Welcome to the Georgetown Ventures Spring 2025 Cohort application. My name is Steven (Founder, GV Fall 2023), and I'll be taking you through this form.

As you've probably realized, applying to GV is kind of a no-brainer. I remember thinking to myself: aren't these services supposed to cost ~$150k or 7% equity? What are they doing handing it out for free? But here we are.

Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis as they are received. Best of luck to you!

If you want a sample of an accepted application, take a look at the actual app I wrote when I applied.

If you have any questions about the application or about what we do/expect, please reach out to
Email *
Logistics and Contact:  
If there are several founders, provide the information of whoever is filling out this form.
Founder Name *
Email *
Phone Number *
What best describes your current status? *
List your school and graduation year. *
How did you hear about Georgetown Ventures? *
Describe yourself (in one sentence). *
What’s the most meaningful goal you’ve achieved, and why does it matter to you? (not related to your startup, 1-2 sentences) *
Are you open to going full-time if your startup takes off? (No is an acceptable answer but be honest!) *
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