Wornick's Honoring Their Lives Project
Every year, our community marks Yom HaShoah, Israel’s official Holocaust Memorial Day, through a solemn day of collective mourning. At Wornick, our students from 4th grade and above reflect on this devastating time and its impact on Jewish life and peoplehood. In 8th grade, all of our students study a unit on the Shoah, adding more context to why observing this day is important.

Last year, more than 30 families and Head of School Adam Eilath came together on an evening ahead of Yom HaShoah to share testimonials about family members who were affected by the Holocaust. We know that there are many more stories being carried by members of our community, and we would like to provide an opportunity for those stories to be shared for our students, parents, and community to live for future generations.

If you would like to share your family’s story from the Holocaust in a platform that may be incorporated into our Yom HaShoah program and 8th grade curriculum, please fill out the following form. We will follow up with all interested participants with more information.

Thank you for helping us to honor their lives so that future generations will always know what happened and what we might be able to learn from this catastrophe.

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Would you prefer to be "interviewed" via Zoom, or record your story yourself? *
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