Podcast Guest Nomination Form - EOI
A new podcast dedicated to interviewing industry leaders in the dog world.

Our mission is to help dog owners and enthusiasts better understand and care for their beloved pets by sharing the latest information on dog training, nutrition, health, training and more.

To continue offering top-notch content, we invite you to nominate yourself or other outstanding experts in the industry who you believe would provide immense value to our audience.

By submitting your nomination, you contribute to our ongoing effort to create the best possible resource for dog lovers everywhere. Thank you for your support and enthusiasm!
Email *
Nominee Information:
Full Name Of Nominee *
Email Address of Nominee *
Website/Blog *
Social Media Links *
Please provide at least Facebook and Instagram, and any others if applicable.
Guest Expertise:
General Area Of Expertise *
Please specify your area of expertise in more detail *
Notable Accomplishments: *
Describe any key achievements or experience or credentials you/they have in the field. 
Authority In The Industry: *
Describe why you/they are considered an authority in the industry.
Potential Interview Topics *
Please list your ideas for interview topics that could be covered by you (or the industry expert) on the podcast.
Additional Information:
Why Should The Expert Be Interviewed? *
Please pitch why you (or the industry expert you're nominating) should be interviewed on our podcast - what value would you provide?
Has The Expert Been Interviewed On Other Podcasts? *
If so, please list which ones and provide a link directly to the audio/video.
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