The Big Plastic Count 2024: Unwrapped Events Submission Form
By sharing the information about your event, The Big Plastic Count team can see which events are happening where, and offer support. We will only add events to an interactive map if your event is accessible to the public.
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Please enter the details of your Unwrapped event into the below form.
What is the name of your organisation / school / group? *
What is the address of your Unwrapped event venue? *
What is the date of your Unwrapped event? *
What activities will you be putting on at your Unwrapped event? Please tick all that apply. *
Have you invited your local MP to the event? *
If so, what is your local MP's name?
Has your MP confirmed if they will be attending the event?
Is your Unwrapped event open to members of the public? *
If so, do members of the public need to register for the event? 
Please add your web listing for the event here, so that we can direct members of the public where to go to register (if necessary) and find out more information. 
Are you willing to have representatives from the media in attendance at your event? Get in touch with us at if you'd like more info on what this would entail.
Thank you for submitting these details. We're really excited that you planning to host an Unwrapped results event! We will review the info you have provided and (if your event is open to the public) we will add a listing for to our interactive map.

For more information and support on Unwrapped events, get in touch with us at
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