Apply For Do Less Be More Coaching
I'm grateful you've landed here and I acknowledge your courage in taking this crucial step in prioritizing You.

The invitation is to express yourself freely, sharing what feels present, alive, relevant, and important for a potential coach to understand about you before entering into a container together.

You do not have to answer any of the questions.  That being said, the more thorough you are, the more clarity YOU will have, and the better able I will be able to support and direct you towards a more aligned, productive, satisfying, and harmonized way of being.

Alignment is key - if based on your responses and our initial call we determine I'm not the best fit for you,  I will connect you with someone that will be better aligned to meet you where you are at.
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Email *
First and Last Name *
Career / Job Title  / Business Name
Social Handles (where can I connect with you?)
Phone Number / WhatsApp *
Would you like to share your personality types? (Astrology, Human Design, Enneagram, other)
Why coaching now? What is prompting you to seek coaching support? Why is now the RIGHT TIME?
Have you worked with a coach before?  If so, what worked?  What didn't?
Check the areas you want to prioritize through Do Less Be More coaching. *
How do you currently feel at the end of the day? Describe your mood, energy, physical state, and mindset/ normal thoughts.
How do you wish you would feel at the end of the day? Mood, energy, physical, thoughts.
What is the biggest internal struggle you are experiencing right now? (self sabotage, beliefs, habits)
What are the potential consequences of waiting, or continuing on like you are (not changing)?
Sometimes through our written or verbal communication, you may share a powerful breakthrough or result I'd love to screenshot or quote and share with my audience. This is with the intention of celebrating your wins, and to inspire other people to see what's possible when they commit to this transformational work. Is that okay with you/do I have your permission?
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What questions do you have for me before you can make your decision? And how can I best support you in your decision making process?
On a scale of 1-5, how interested are you in receiving long-term support from a coach, knowing it's a serious financial investment? (Based on our initial call, I may or may not make an invitation to you to continue working together if we haven't already discussed. Be honest about where you are at!)
What level of support do you feel you're interested in at the moment?
How can I best support you during and in-between sessions, how do you like to be held accountable? *
You're doing so great!  I invite you to notice that you have a bit more clarity for yourself now that you've filled out this form.  This is empowered action!

Jump start your coaching process by booking a 45 minute call with me here:

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