Caregivers' Day of Prayer and Care Registration
Who is it for?
Men and women who care for family, friends or neighbors with isolated because of COVID-19 health concerns, chronic illness, addiction, grandparents parenting grandchildren, age issues, rehabilitation, or mental, physical, emotional disability.

This is a day of respite and care for those with the blessings of caring.  This day is to honor and support you in the important work you do caring for your loved ones.

Note:  Due to COVID-19 health concerns, this year's event will take place virtually.  A few days before the event participants will receive a link to the web address.  We will provide a practice session before the event for those who are unfamiliar with the technology.

October 24, 2020 from 9:30 AM - 11:45 AM

9:15 - Zoom link opens
9:30 - Welcome
9:40 - Keynote Speaker: Mary Ann Boyarski
10:15 - Mass with Celebrant Fr. Kyle Sadh
11:00 - Blessing of Hands
11:15 - Activity and small groups: Sanctuary in Place: Dr. Bonnie Kozemchak, Spiritual Director
11:45 - end

Contact us at (717) 576-3994 or

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