As of 5/23/24, the September student retreat is FULL. We will put you on a waiting list and let you if/when a space becomes available. We are usually able to accommodate our waiting list as summer plans can change, so we encourage you to still apply for a spot!

August 22-27, 2024: Culinary PROFESSIONALS* [TWO SPOTS AVAILABLE]
September 8-13, 2024: Culinary STUDENTS* [WAITING LIST ONLY]
*We encourage you to attend the appropriate workshop for your current status (professional or student), but we welcome students and professionals in both sessions.

While these workshops are intended for culinary students and professionals actively working in the food industry, we do welcome a handful of serious home cooks if space allows. Note that only those actively engaged in the food industry (school or work) are eligible for financial assistance through the Quillisascut Education Fund.
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Email *
Full Name *
Email address *
Mailing Address *
Phone Number *
Sessions begin at 2pm the first day and end at 11am on the last day. Please indicate which workshop date you wish to attend (check multiple if you can be flexible): *
Do you have a conflict with any of the workshop dates (ie: school/work)? If so, please specify: *
Tuition is $1425 and includes lodging, meals, chef instruction, and farm tours. Transportation is not included.
Culinary school and/or current employer *
Culinary Program *
Quarter you will have completed by Summer 2024 *
What intrigued you about Quillisascut Farm? *
What are your objectives/intentions for wanting to be a part of this workshop? *
How do you cultivate a culture of appreciation and acknowledge/amplify the efforts of others? *
How does your unique background and food culture show up in the work that you do? *
What skills, techniques, and experiences would you like to contribute to this workshop? *
What are your long term goals in the local and global food system? *
Do you have any restaurant work experience? If yes, where and when? *
Most students sleep in shared bedrooms our schoolhouse. In order to accommodate everyone, we find it is most comfortable if a handful of participants are willing to camp. We have built an outdoor bathroom facility for campers. Please indicate your preference below.
Meals are served family style and prepared from our own farm raised products (goat products: milk, cheese and meat, poultry, eggs, and garden produce). We are not equipped to handle a wide range of dietary preferences. Please note any dietary restrictions below: *
PHOTO RELEASE:  We love to use photographs and videos taken during farm school sessions to promote Quillisascut Farm via social media, farm newsletters, flyers/promotions, on our website, and in magazine/newspaper submissions. Please review the waiver below. *
I grant permission to Quillisascut Farm & the Quillisascut Education Fund, its agents, and its employees the irrevocable and unrestricted right to produce photographs and video taken of me while at Quillisascut Farm for any lawful purpose including publication, promotion, illustration, advertising, trade, or historical archive in any manner or in any medium by Quillisascut Farm. I hereby release Quillisascut Farm and its legal representatives from liability for any violation or claims relating to said images or video.
How did you hear about Quillisascut Farm School?
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A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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