Story Quest sign-up form
Story Quest is run by the National Literacy Trust as part of our Stoke Reads campaign. Please complete the form below to register to take part. We will need to store and process your personal data in order to manage your participation in the programme and keep you up to date.
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Privacy notice:
We will use your personal data in order to respond to this request, and may need to share it with others – e.g. mailing houses or delivery partners. It will only be used for this purpose, and will not be shared with anyone else.

For our full privacy policy see 
I understand why the National Literacy Trust wants to collect my personal data and what will happen to it. *
Personal details
Full name: *
Email address:
Phone number:
Post code: *
Would you like to opt in to emails to hear more about Stoke Reads?
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Are you signing-up as part of a family or organisation? *
Questions for families only
How many children will be taking part in Story Quest with you?
Questions for organisations only
Organisation name:
How many children are you signing-up to take part?
How many participants will there be in total?
What is the age range of the children you have signed-up?
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