Call For Presentations - GWA Conference
Calling all thought leaders in the flex office and coworking industry, apply to be a presenter for GWA's next Flex Forward Conference. The GWA Conference is a dynamic event spanning 3.5 days. Every year, the GWA brings together numerous operators, landlords, occupiers, service providers & more. Designed to keep attendees on the cutting-edge of the flexible office industry, our conference aims to inspire and empower within an ever-changing and dynamic landscape. Serving as a platform for learning business-building strategies from the industry’s foremost experts and thought leaders, as well as facilitating valuable professional connections with like-minded individuals who share the common objective of propelling the industry forward.

Are you a thought leader with groundbreaking ideas and a captivating way of sharing them? We are looking to create the most engaging and informative experiences possible for our attendees. **The GWA is not a pay to play, please submit someone who benefits the association through educational content.**
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Please provide your information, presentation description, experience description. If asked to present, we will reach out for more information such as bio, headshot, or any other relevant information needed.
Lead Presenter Name *
First and Last
Lead Presenter Job Title *
Lead Presenter Company *
Lead Presenter Email Address *
Lead Presenter Phone *
Phone number will only be used to reach you regarding the call for presentation submission.
Lead Presenter Bio *
Tell us a little more about you.
Lead Presenter - Previous Speaking Engagements
Please share any previous speaking engagements. Conferences, webinars, podcasts, etc. that make you perfect for this opportunity. (Best friends wedding toast doesn't count ;P)
Lead Presenter LinkedIn Page *
Have you previously attended a GWA Conference? *
Additional Panel Presenters *
Please provide the full name, title, company, and email for additional panel presenters who you'd like to be in your session.
Session Title *
You can make your title fun, just be sure in accurately reflects the content of your session.
Session Description *
Tell us what your session will cover and why it's important to the industry.
Key Learning/Takeaway 1 *
After your session attendees will be able to...
Key Learning/Takeaway 2 *
After your session attendees will be able to...
Key Learning/Takeaway 3 *
After your session attendees will be able to...
Sessions Focus Area (select all that apply)
  • I understand that travel arrangements and expenses are the responsibility of the speaker. 
  • GWA Conference speakers will receive a complimentary conference speaker pass. No additional compensation will be provided. 
  • I understand that the 2024 GWA Conference will be an in-person only event. There will not be a virtual component.
  • By participating in the GWA Conference, speakers agree that their session(s) may be recorded and made available for on-demand viewing by GWA, with no monetary benefit or revenue share accruing to the speaker. 
  • Speakers may not promote their products or services as part of their presentations.
  • Presentations are subject to review/modification.
  • Terms & Conditions subject to change.
Terms & Conditions Acknowledgement *
Please read terms & conditions above carefully.
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