Shanna in a Dress on a Bike - Rider Interest Survey
Exciting news! Shanna in a Dress (aka, Shanna Hoar) has big plans for the Summer of 2021: a cross-country bike tour to raise money for the Pangaea World Foundation ( We are still in the early stages of planning and need your help to make it happen. We also want folks to join us on the ride!

This survey is just to get some initial interest so we can tell you more when our plans are in better shape. By filling out this survey, you're not making any sort of commitment (neither are we!).

Here are a few things to know about how we are approaching this part of the project:

-  Shanna will be traveling with a support vehicle driven by her trusty squire, Ross Martin, who will set up camp or make other arrangements for her and for other cyclists.
- This is a fundraiser tour, so riders will be expected to contribute to the cause as well as pay for the food, camp sites, support vehicle, and for the privilege of being seen riding beside Shanna ;-). We're still figuring out exactly what this will look like per day, but you can also pay your way by getting others to donate to the ride.
- At a minimum, you will need to be in sufficient physical condition to ride up to 50 miles per day on some segments and up to 110 miles per day on others. We'll match you up to a route that fits your abilities.
- You will be responsible for getting to the meeting point for the leg of the trip and getting back home at the end. We will work with you on getting to airports or bus stations, etc.
- We will be camping along the way. You'll need to bring your own camping gear, but this can be carted in the support vehicle. Same with (small) instruments -- or just borrow one of ours. Ross will work out the food and water situation, but you will be expected to pitch in at the campsite -- he ain't your mamma!
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Tentative Route
First name *
Last name *
Email address *
Mobile number *
We will need to communicate with you on the road, including texting.
Which legs are of interest to you?
Check as many of these as you like. We will have a limited number of slots -- no more than four per leg. Dates are approximate.
Cycling experience
Expert == I've done long tours before; Beginner == I can ride 50+ miles in a day, but I've never toured.
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Camping experience
Approximately how many people would you expect you can get to come to a show at your place?
About you
We'd like to know a little bit about you for our files... Tell us about how your interest in riding with us.
Anything else?
Do you have other questions or need to tell us anything else? Put it here!
About that pandemic thing
The pandemic isn't over, so we're keeping mindful of maintaining social distancing and abiding by local rules. We expect that the vaccine will be widely available by June, but the pandemic will not be over. Biking and camping are great ways to connect while maintaining social distance. We expect all riders to take the pandemic seriously and wear masks when appropriate (going to stores, sharing space, etc.).
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