Mold Your Penis Waiting List

Welcome to the Giggeli Contribution Waiting List! Thank you for your interest in donating a member to our collection of soaps and candles. By joining our waiting list, you'll have the chance to be a part of something truly unique and special.

Here's how it works: after you fill out this form, we'll send you a package that includes molding instructions and a kit for you to mold your member at home. Once your member is ready, simply send it back to us in the provided packaging. We'll take care of the rest, turning your member into a beautiful soap or candle that will be added to our collection.

Please note that there may be a waiting period before we can send you the kit, as we have a limited number of spots on our waiting list. But don't worry - we'll let you know as soon as we can send you the kit. There is no confirmation message after submitting the form.

Thank you again for your interest in contributing to Giggeli's mission.

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I agree to do the molding kit *
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Home address:
Where did you hear about Giggeli Project? 
Give your greetings to Giggeli team :)
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