The Official Maxmodelist - Request Changes

General rules for submitting changes for the Maxmodelist:

  • You must submit your request through this Google Form. Alternatively, you may submit the request directly to a List Mod in the Maxmodelist Discord Server, however we prefer you use the form.

  • The request must be logical, and fair. Please be professional about these requests.

  • If you are requesting an update to your time on a non time-based mode, please tell us your updated time, and send the updated video.

  • We will most likely contact you after you submit your response, via discord, unless the change is super minuscule, or you do not provide your discord tag. We take all submissions into account, even if your request will not be acted upon. This form also pertains to BOTH the Main AND Unlimited Lists.

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
What is your online name and discord tag? You do not have to answer this unless you want to be contacted.
Are you in the Maxmodelist Discord? You do not have to answer this question either.
Which list is your request about, if at all related to the list? *
What is the general purpose of your request? Select all that apply. *
Please detail the change/addition/removal you would like to request. *
Is there any other information that we should know about?
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