Preferred Housing for Seniors Survey
Boomers Collaborative Foundation intends to develop affordable co-operative housing projects for seniors in Austin, Texas. We will partner with local developers, the City of Austin, and others to offer an exciting new and sustainable retirement model for senior co-living and neighborhood co-working. Thus far, we have found our model to be of great interest not only to elder orphans (those with little or no family support) who feel economically fragile, but also to anyone interested in living in community with others.

Helping our seniors share resources to keep themselves independent, engaged, and vital for better overall health and well-being, we are turning the typical active-lifestyle retirement model on its head. Instead of being insular, we will be neighborhood-focused and have the capacity to provide …

Senior entrepreneurs, creatives, and wannabees with studio and gallery space.
Other seniors with anticipated part-time or job-sharing employment-through commercial relationships with
        neighboring commerce.
A café / commercial kitchen / retail gallery / event space for both public and private use.
Typical senior services shared among the community to reduce costs.

Thank you. We genuinely appreciate your time and effort.

Email *
What is your age group?   *
Do you currently rent or own your home?
What is your primary interest in senior housing? *
How many bedrooms do you want? *
How many bathrooms do you want? *
Would you be interested in sharing a unit with a housemate, either under a purchase agreement or lease. *
Do you want or need parking? NOTE: All units are planned to be located along public transit lines. *
How important is public transit to you? *
If you should be interested in living in a Boomers Collaborative community in Austin, in what part of the city would you prefer to live?
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Do you plan to work in retirement? *
If yes above, what kind of work will you be doing or want to do? Check all that apply.
Are you currently employed? *
If 'no' above, are you or will you soon be looking for work?
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Please tell us what you like about the Boomers Collaborative concept described at the beginning of the survey above.
What questions or concerns do you have about the Boomers Collaborative concept, if any.
15. Is there anything else you think we should know about your retirement plans?
To help us plan, we ask you to provide your approximate net worth. NOTE: We respect your privacy, so this information will be kept private. *
For more information, please contact us via email: Feel free to visit our website: and register so that we continue to share news with you.

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