Pupil - Grow your network, chase opportunities, and think bigger.
Are you a high school student looking to grasp opportunities to stand out during the college application process?

Pupil is an upcoming, interactive social networking platform focusing around providing high school students with opportunities and guidance towards their future career goals. We plan to have strategic partnerships with large-scale, student-led, and emerging organizations which will help provide relevant career opportunities for the youth!

By engaging with our survey, you will have the opportunity to potentially engage in our trial runs, be involved in our expansion, and be pivotal towards the creation of the Pupil app!
By taking this survey, you are agreeing to Pupil's Terms of Use and Privacy Policy, which can both be found at https://www.pupil.ga/docs/tou.pdf and https://www.pupil.ga/docs/tou.pdf respectively

By filling out this survey, you will automatically be entered in our early-stage mailing list, which will give you access to new internships every week! We have global, large scale companies like Google, Bloomberg, IBM and more!
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
Last Name *
First Name *
What level of education are you currently enrolled in? *
Which of the following do you plan on doing after high school? *
Do you find it challenging to connect with undergraduates at well-known universities you may be interested in? *
Is is hard for you to find college programs and scholarships ranging from various academic studies/ universities? *
Do you find it hard to connect with other like-minded students with opportunities and ideas? *
Do you struggle to connect with organizations, companies, and other entities willing to offer high school students  career exposure and opportunities? *
Would you be interested in working at student-led initiatives relevant to your career focus or interests? *
What future field are you looking to get into? *
Would you be interested in an app that allows you to connect with other students, undergraduates in college/ university, internship opportunities, and college programs? *
Are you interested in signing up for our newsletter, which will offer you new internships, research opportunities, and community service projects weekly? *
How did you hear about Pupil? *
If you chose organization, please type the name of the organization below.
Would you be interested in joining our platform during our beta testing round/pre-launch? (Access to internships and exclusive opportunities) *
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