Application for Somatic Relief
Thanks for your interest in the upcoming 4 week series: Somatic Relief. 

We meet weekly via zoom for one hour.
Days and times are TBD Through the 4 weeks you will learn techniques to come into your body and take ownership of your essential self. You learn ways to be embodied and to trust your bodies sensations and wisdom. You learn how to understand your nervous system and where you are in a given moment, be it frustrated, angry, shut down, etc -- AND, you learn tools to bring you back to a baseline state. We also talk about the role of anger and healthy assertion, the power of the pelvis, and you are given multiple tools (so u can pick the ones that work best for you) to help you self regulate. For me, and how I teach, self regulation means being able to stay with yourself and trust yourself, no matter the emotion or external circumstance

We will meet weekly as a group and learn, review, and practice techniques for working with the nervous system to heal stress and trauma, while supporting your recovery journey.
There will be weekly group sharing as well as coaching and time to practice and begin integrating the techniques.
This program is good for anyone who wants to learn more about Somatic Experiencing, expand their toolkit, and stop reacting to life's triggers in the same way.

Today's Date
Name *
Email *
Why are you interested in this program?
Are you currently in recovery?
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What other support systems do you currently have in place? (support groups, family, therapy, etc *
Are you familiar with Somatic Experiencing?
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This program will be priced at $200 for the four weeks. Is that an investment you are ready to make at this time?
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What excites you most about participating in this group program?
Thank You!
If you are excited about the program and want to secure your spot, there are two ways to register. You can venmo me @Alice-Kerby (last four 0664) OR register via this link

I look forward to working with you!
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