Latin 211: Process Survey 3
As part of our focus on self-assessment this semester, I'll be asking you periodically to complete a Process Survey. You'll be invited to reflect on your learning and to identify goals and challenges. I'll respond with feedback about your work in the course.

Please briefly answer any of the questions below that resonate with you. You do not have to answer each question, but you may do so if you find them all helpful. 
Email *
First Name *
Last Name *
What do you know now that you didn't know before your recent work in this course? Did you learn anything surprising, unexpected, useful, meaningful?
What successes have you had in the course recently? What strategies and efforts are working and feeling worthwhile? What ideas about your own learning have you successfully implemented?
What challenges are you facing in the course right now? What strategies and efforts feel burdensome or ineffecient? How can you approach those challenges?
What goal would you like to set for yourself for the final month of this course?
What would it be helpful for me to hear from you at this point in the semester - about your own learning, your experiences in the course, or your hopes for the rest of the semester?
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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