NEC Prep Jazz placement form Fall 2023/Spring 2024
Welcome to the NEC Prep Jazz department!

For placement in Jazz Ensembles, Lessons, and Classes, please complete the following questionnaire.  It is important to share this information with us in order that you receive an appropriate placement.  Completing this form is free, and does not constitute registration (payment), but it does allow the Jazz department chair and assistant chair know what Jazz courses you are interested in this for the Fall/Spring school year, and when you are available to take Jazz lessons, Jazz classes and Small Jazz ensembles. NEC greatly appreciates your time filling out this form. This form is what allows NEC to build a custom schedule for each student in the Jazz Program.

Once placements are determined and approved, you will receive links to register and submit your payment(s).

The Jazz Department Chair, David Zoffer and the Assistant Jazz Department chair, James "Jamie" Stewardson will be reviewing your answers shortly.

If you would like to make any changes to your responses (such as an incorrect phone number, missing course, change in schedule availability, etc.), please email as soon as possible with the correct information and the prep jazz chair or assistant chair will update your responses.
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