ASTR HW 1 (Lecture 1)
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Homework Questions
Before starting these question, please watch Lecture 1. You must submit them at one time. The submit button is at the bottom. Please only submit once.
The point on the celestial sphere that is above the Northern horizon, at an angle equal to your latitude on Earth, is called *
1 point
Suppose that this evening at 9:34 PM you see star A at a particular  point in the sky. At what time should you look for star A at the same point in the sky in three days? *
1 point
Suppose that you would like to study star A all year round. Its declination is 52 degrees above the celestial equator. At which of the following locations on Earth could you be to observe this star all year round? *
1 point
The axis of the Earth *
1 point
How far, in degrees, does the sun move around the ecliptic per day? *
1 point
In astronomy, constellations *
1 point
What does this image look like to you? *
1 point
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