Blissfield Elementary School - Title 1 Parent Input Survey 2023-24
Please complete this survey by January 31, 2024. This survey can also be found on the Blissfield Elementary School webpage. Thank you so much for participating in this survey. Your input is important to us.
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The Teachers and staff at Blissfield Elementary are supportive and communicate regularly with parents in ways that work for our family.
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My calls, emails, or notes to school staff are answered promptly.
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I am aware of the Blissfield Community Schools Parental Involvement Policy.
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I would like to suggest the following changes to the BCS Parental Involvement Policy:
I would like to suggest the following changes to the Student/Parent/Teacher Contract:
The school provides families with resources, workshops and/or informational events.
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Select any of the following which should be used to better engage family/community in meaningful activities which promote academic achievement.
What type(s) of training/programs would you like to see the school provide for parents?
Families are involved in decision-making at the school.
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My child(ren) have participated in Response to Intervention (RtI) now or in the past. (If so, please answer the next question.)
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I feel that the RtI program has helped my child improve his or her math or literacy skills.
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Attending the Title 1 Parent Information Night helped me increase my understanding of Title 1 and RtI.
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Attending the Title 1 Parent Information Night gave me some ideas of how I can help my child at home with reading and/or math.
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What questions do you have about the BES Title 1 or RtI program?
What recommendations do you have regarding the Title 1 or RtI program?
Additional Comments
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