tell me a secret
as you guys know, we get a LiL crazy on Brunch with Desb, the podcast.

but, why not turn our fun Sundays into something even more fun once in a while.

I want to have a segment of airing my listeners secrets, or sharing their craziest stories - this is completely top secret and no one will know who you are, including ME! (sex, drugs, embarrassment, humor - I am here for it all!)

feel free to spill the details below, and maybe your story will end up on the podcast.
I will be sure to give a full reaction to your dirty laundry.

be sure to stream on Sundays to Spotify or Apple Podcasts to support.



‪Apple: ‬  

see you on Sunday!
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what is YOUR secret/craziest story/experience - the more detail to the story the better!
what do you want to be called? *this can be a sign off name, example: "written in from the girl who defines a crazy ex", or "sincerely, I might be a little wild but love that for me" - it can be a fun disguise name! *
are u a baddie?! *
do you follow @brunchwithdesb on IG?!
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did you subscribe to my podcast?! *
have you reviewed my podcast on apple!? *
stay tuned..... #brunchwithdesb
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