Parent Orientation Registration Form
This is an automated registration form, please fill out the information correctly to avoid errors. Once finished, you will receive a personalized ZOOM ticket with the link and Meeting ID with password.

All information collected from this questionnaire shall be treated in accordance with the Data Privacy Act of 2012 and rest assured that we will treat these information with utmost confidentiality. Be safe and God bless your family!
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Preferred Schedule of Parent Orientation
Please make sure you choose a desired date that you can attend.
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Surname of Child *
Ex. Fernandez
First Name of Child *
Ex. Jose Francisco
Age *
Ex. 4 yrs old, 4.5 yrs, 7.9 yrs old
Gender *
Grade level of child? *
Full Name of Parent / Guardian *
Ex. Rose B. Lacson
Email Address *
Please check if email address is valid
Mobile Number *
Ex. 00971 52 123 4567
Address *
Ex. The Address. Downtown Dubai, U.A.E
Type of Internet Connection? *
I, Father / Mother / Guardian hereby give my consent for the information provided in this form and will be used in processing my inquiry or enrollment for the Read in 20 days Online Program. * *
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