Recognition2Action - Join the Network
The idea that Canada was founded by the British and French, is incomplete. Indigenous people were here long before both and should be recognized as at least an equal founding nation.

A country cannot be built on an incomplete history. Now is the time, during the Canada 150 activities, to complete the story.

The Recognition2Action is a civic engagement campaign to educate people about the role Indigenous peoples have played in founding Canada, and the need for us all to take concrete steps to turn that recognition into action.

This project is being carried out in collaboration with a broad network of organizations and individuals who have articulated statements about this subject.

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Would you like to endorse the following Recognition2Action statement: “In 1996, the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples observed, ‘A country cannot be built on a living lie.’ Now is the time, during the Canada 150 activities, to complete the story. The government should adopt legislation that acknowledges that Indigenous peoples are a founding nation of Canada. It’s time for the government to take action and make specific commitments to right this wrong. It’s time to turn recognition to action." *
If you entered "No" to the last question please add your own statement of support for this project. (we will publish this on the website)
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Is there any other way your organization would like to get involved? Comments you'd like to add?
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