Registration: "Writing as a Release" 
Commitment: Every Monday for 8 weeks
Schedule:     April 22 - June 17 (including Orientation) (No Class May 27, 2024)
Duration:      6:30-7:45 pm
Platform:      Virtual class, live instruction and interaction, platform Google Meet
Fees:           $180 total cost -- includes registration ($55) and tuition ($125)
                Fees include 8 weeks of class instruction and one week of orientation**
                One-on-one consultation with instructor available for additional fee

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 Why?  1) For an accurate class roster,  2) So your certificate of completion at the end of the course will reflect the proper spelling of your name
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Why? 1) So you'll receive a confirmation email,  2) In case we need to contact you prior to/during the class
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