Post-field trip assessment for Hokonui restoration: Tech in te taiao.
Students, fill this out AFTER the LEARNZ "Hokonui restoration: Tech in te taiao". Your ideas and ideas from other students will be shared with your teacher.
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Enter the code that your teacher makes up for you. *
All students from your class should use the same code that your teacher makes up for you, just for this little test Use first 3 letters of teacher's lastname + school initials  eg Smi-MIS, McL-RHS, Bur-HAS. This is so we can send what you entered back to your teacher so you can review the class results.
I now know these things about restoring nature. *
Anything you know or have learned about people and tech bringing back native species.
These things I know are related to ... *
Write about what your knowledge relates to.
I have new ideas about ... *
As a result of this "Hokonui restoration: Tech in te taiao" study, what new ideas do you have?
I now wonder ...
As a result of this "Hokonui restoration: Tech in te taiao" study, what new wonderings do you have?
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Intellectual property *
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