Helping Hands International: Project Survey
Thank you for Volunteering on a Helping Hands International Service Project!  

We hope you were blessed by sharing the love of God by bringing help and hope to hurting people through practical hands-on care.

It was a privilege to pray for you while you were serving with us and we can't wait to hear about how God moved in your life as well as in the lives of those you served!  Please take a minute to tell us what you thought about your project by completing this survey.

THANK YOU again for taking time to serve the LORD with us! 

God bless,
Helping Hands International Staff

P.S. Interested in our next project?  Check out:!  Interested in financially supporting a project or HHI?  Check out: :)
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HHI Service Project (e.g. Cambodia, January 2024; SF, CA - Homeless Outreach, April 2024; Mexico, April 2024; Alaska, May 2024; S. OR Makeover, May 2024; Mexico, June 2023;  Alaska, June 2024; Tonga, June 2024; Dominican Republic, August 2024; Mexico, August 2024; Guatemala, September 2024; Kenya, October 2024; India, October 2024;  etc.) *
First and Last Name (e.g. John Doe) *
Email Address (e.g. *
Phone Number (e.g. 541-111-1111) *
Do you feel the Service Project made a difference for those you served? *
Why? *
Did the Service Project impact you, personally? *
How? *
On a scale of one to ten, with ten being "Amazing" and one being "Needs Improvement", how did your Team Leader do?  (Please note: HHI asks that Team Leaders: (1) set the tone by being a good example (2) perform daily team devotions (3) oversee on-site daily schedule, work assignments and team times (devotional, prayer and debriefing times, rest etc. ) (4) communicate with host missionary/national agency by building good working relationship (5) remember liability issues (6) expect the unexpected and (7) maintain a good sense of humor!)   *
Did you feel HHI adequately prepared you for this Service Project? *
Do you think you will volunteer for this Service Project again? *
Would you recommend HHI to friends and family? *
Do you have any other comments? *
Would you consider being a Team Leader for this trip in the future? *
Would you prayerfully consider becoming a regular financial partner?  We rely entirely on God’s grace and donations to keep this ministry going! *
Digital Signature Date *
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