Free custom jewelry for cleaning the ocean!
This is a community effort! You can pull plastic out of the ocean!

Do you collect plastic from the beach or the ocean? Amazing! As a thank you for being an eco-warrior/genius, I will make you a piece of jewelry for free, even free shipping. 

 Heres how to make it happen:

- Fill out this form
- I'll send you an empty package containing return postage with carbon offset shipping. Keep the package.
- Collect at least a pints worth of plastic (An ice cream container is what I use)
        *microplastics needs to be smaller than a bottle cap*
       * rope needs to be  about the diameter of a pencil, and at least 6in long *
- Put plastic in original packaging and reseal (we're reducing through repurposing!)
- Send it to me using the return label. Again, carbon offset shipping. 
- I make the piece you've selected and send it back to you for free!!!! 
- Your custom piece will take about a week for me to make once I've received the material. After that the shipping can take up to 4 days.
- Don't forget to take a picture of your collected plastic! DM it to @ocean.plastics on instagram and I will post the pic of you and your custom piece when its finished

Thank you for taking plastic out of the ocean and being part of the clean up effort! Because of you, theres a little less plastic in the ocean! Who knows, you could have saved a turtle!

I wont be sending you emails or promo materials and I wont be doing anything with your data. I'm a one woman business operating out of my 64 sq ft studio, not a large corporation so I'm not trying to spam anyone :)
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Custom piece you would like made
*to get a better look, visit the website*
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Instagram handle to be tagged
Where did this plastic come from? Anything special you want to share?
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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