(Prepared by : Ms Siew Ting)
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IDIOMS are not to be taken literally. Study their meaning and then complete the sentences. You may need to make some changes.
a) I have to tell you something that will ___________________________.
0 points
b) He ___________________________ when he accidentally told her about the surprise party. *
1 point
c) Okay, I’ll tell you what I’m going to do, although you’ll probably think that I have __________________________. *
1 point
d) I’m ________________________ with my teacher because she caught me cheating in the test. *
1 point
e) I’d better ____________________ now. I’m feeling really exhausted. *
1 point
f)  He is so cute that when he looks at me I get ____________________. *
1 point
g) We’re all packed and ready to go - we can leave _____________________. *
1 point
h)  I am feeling a bit _______________ – I think I’m getting a cold. *
1 point
i) Is Samantha really getting married or are you just ___________________? *
1 point
j) Was your Math exam hard? – No, it was really _______________________. *
1 point
k)  My friend got __________________ and decided not to do a bungee jump. *
1 point
l) Just __________________________! Let’s think about this for a moment. *
1 point
m) Tell me who was at the party. I am _______________________________. *
1 point
n) If you try to please both your father and mother, you can end up ________________________________. *
1 point
o) I don’t know how you could afford this sports car. It must have ________________________________. *
1 point
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