Wide-fitting barefoot socks

Are you tired of squished toes and socks that don't quite fit right? We understand the struggle, which is why we are excited about the new anatomically shaped socks! With more room where you need it, these socks will provide the perfect fit for your feet.

At the moment, the Voxx socks available for purchase from Bubbly Toes, are designed to fit narrow to medium width feet. We want to expand our range to include wider fitting socks, and we need your help to make it happen.

Leave your email below, and we'll keep you updated on our progress. Thank you for helping us create the perfect fitting sock for everyone!

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Additionaly, if you would like to help us create  a product that will fit most of our customers, you can do so by entering your feet measurements below.
We promise not to share any personal information with third parties, and the information provided will only be used for statistical purposes and developing new product lines. 

You will need:
A tape measure (alternatively, a piece of string, ribbon or a strip of paper  could be used instead and measured with a ruler)
Your bare feet
A small area of smooth and firm floor  Untitled title
Ball girth (cm)
Ankle girth (cm)
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