Graduate Credit for Estill Symposium
Estill Voice International is pleased to partner with Carthage College to offer graduate credit for the Estill Pre-Symposium and Estill Symposium 2025. Carthage College is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission and the National Association of Schools of Music.

Pre-symposium and symposium participants can elect to register for two credits per event, for up to four graduate credits total. Graduate credits will be offered at a special scholarship rate of $150 per credit. Credits are transferrable and a transcript will be available. 

Completing this form is a registration for the academic credits at Carthage. Due to federal rules related to eligibility, international students are not able to register for credits.
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I would like to register for two graduate credits for the Estill World Voice Pre-Symposium Workshop 2025.
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I would like to register for two graduate credits for the Estill World Voice Symposium 2025.
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I understand that this registration form will generate a registration for graduate credits.I understand that the cost will be $150 per credit, and I will pay for these credits through an online link that will be emailed to me on the first day of the symposium.
A copy of your responses will be emailed to .
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