/r/Nepal Community Feedback Survey
Greetings! This is an /r/Nepal subreddit health feedback loop survey. Your responses will be vital, and thus, collected and be included in a mega-thread and answered by the moderators. Here are a list of frequently asked questions:

What is this about?
We, the moderation team of /r/Nepal are taking the initiative to understand, and deliberate upon various plus-points as well as pain points of the average /r/Nepal user, and ways to better facilitate, channel, and reform various ways to maximize your experiences within this subreddit.

Are all fields required?
Almost all of the feedback loop questions are. The ones that are designated to your personal info(for subreddit demographics), and various questions not related to Sub-reddit health will be marked as not-required. Feel free to ignore them thus.

How can I be of help?
By answering as accurately as possible. Being frank but civil with us is the best way to get through to us. There may be perspectives we haven't seen yet: And we wish to address them to make /r/Nepal more inclusive, less divisive, and overall a fun place for your average Daju, Bhai, Didi, Baini to frequent.

Please note, we'll drop all unconstructive, or feedbacks that comprise only of fulminations. Please be as kind as you can be: Remember the person behind the screen.

I filled the survey, now what?
If you chose to share your username/contact info with us, you may find us reaching us out through those channels to better understand your POV. We might engage in a discourse to understand exactly where you are coming from, and to potentially help you help us making /r/Nepal overall a better experience.

I have issues/concerns that you guys haven't even gone into.
We apologize, and urge you to consider taking the time to talk about it in the Feedback Megathread. That'll help us improve the surveys in the coming days. If the issue you've raised concerns subreddit in important ways, we'll take action upon it.
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