2024 Portland ACS Chemistry Olympiad
To: Chemistry Educators and Science Administrators *

Please complete this form to receive information about the 2024 American Chemical Society Chemistry Olympiad (US National Chemistry Olympiad, USNCO). 

USNCO is a multi-tiered competition (exam) that promotes and stimulates achievement in high school chemistry. It is sponsored by the American Chemical Society. More information is provided on the ACS website https://www.acs.org/education/students/highschool/olympiad.html.

Please NOTE: STUDENT REGISTRATION is required to sit for the exam. Student and parent/guardian are required to complete the form. Scroll down on the page for dates and more information.

Questions contact martha@acsportland.org.

* STUDENTS who are interested in participating outside of a classroom without a chemistry teacher should register and fill out as much of this form as possible. Tick YES in the bottom field of this form to show that you're a student. SEND an email to a coordinator (martha@acsportland.org or aherbelin@lowercolumbia.edu) for more information.
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Address where you receive USPS mail. Information will be sent to you at this address.
Estimated number of exams you will need for your chemistry classes.
Are you a student?
If you have no option to take the Local Section exam in a classroom, tick YES below. We will provide separate instructions for you.
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