Brunson Elementary OPTIONAL ANNUAL iPad Insurance Form
*You will not have insurance if the $10.00 annual, non-refundable payment is not made by September 13, 2024.
In order for Brunson Elementary to provide operational and in-good condition iPads to students, we have developed a self-funded insurance pool that will provide insurance coverage for most types of damage of the devices twice.
Parents/guardians may opt in to this program through a $10.00 annual, non-refundable, payment per device. If a parent/guardian purchases insurance for their student(s) iPad, the parent/guardian would not be liable for the replacement cost of the device in the event of accidental damage to the first two occurrences. Funds collected will be used to cover the costs associated with non-warrantied repairs and maintenance of the device.
Repair of the school-issued device - the first time. All damage incidents will be investigated by the administration. If the damage is found to be deliberate - the parent/guardian will be responsible for the cost of damages.
Effective Coverage Date and Expiration
Effective coverage date begins on the first day of payment. The expiration coverage date is the official last day of the school year. Insurance must be purchased by September 13, 2024.
Coverage Details - For First-time Damage (ONLY)
● Accidental damage: Covers damages caused by drops, spills, and any other unintentional event.
● Fire: Covers loss or damages caused by fire. In the event of a fire, the claim must contain an official fire report from authorities.
● Electrical: Covers damages caused by electrical surges.
● Natural Disaster: Covers loss or damages in the event of a natural disaster.
Coverage Exclusions:
● Dishonest, Fraudulent, Intentional, or Criminal Acts: Coverage is not provided if damage occurs in conjunction with a dishonest, fraudulent, intentional, negligent, or criminal act.
● Removing Protected Case: Coverage is not provided if damage or if the school-provided case for the tablet has been removed. Removing the school-provided case is prohibited.
● Unapproved Use: Damage caused by the use of or installation of non-approved applications, non-approved accessories which alter the manufacturer’s warranty.
● Abuse and Neglect: Damage caused by abuse, misuse, neglect, or by operating device outside the permitted or intended use described in the Technology Handbook.
● Charger and Cover: Insurance DOES NOT cover the charging cable, charging adapter, or tablet cover. There will be a fee for a replacement for each of these accessories.
● Pet: Damage as a result of a pet.
● Unauthorized User: Damage caused by anyone who is not a representative of Brunson or by loaning the tablet or charger to another student.
There is no insurance coverage for intentional damage, neglect, or misuse.
Please submit this form with $10.00 to the Brunson Elementary office before September 13, 2024.