Trail Accessibility Survey

Hike Nova Scotia, through its Trail Builders Network, is gearing up to provide some learning experiences for trail managers on accessibility - how we can make trails in Nova Scotia more accessible to persons with disabilities. Please take a moment to complete this brief survey to give us more direction on what you want to learn about this topic. Thanks!

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1. Do you have accessible features on your trail system now?
2. Do you have plans to add accessible features to your trail system in the future?
3. How interested are you in making changes to your trail system to make it more accessible to persons with disabilities? *
Not interested
Very interested
4. How would you rate your knowledge of how to make your trails more accessible?
Not knowledgeable at all
Very knowledgeable
5. What are your burning questions about trail accessibility? *
Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey. Happy Trails!
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