Informed Consent & Agreement
Course: 11 Weeks to Self Esteem Group Informed Consent & Agreement
Group Leader: Women Empowered MCR
Location: ZOOM
Email address:

Welcome to your online group education experience!

A group can be a powerful and valuable venue for learning, growth, and transformation. It is the desire of your group facilitator that you reap all the benefits group has to offer. To help this occur, groups are structured to include the following elements:
- A safe environment in which you are able to feel respected and valued as you learn virtually.
- An understanding of group goals and group norms.
- Investment by both your facilitator and members to produce a consistent group experience.

A Safe Environment:

A safe environment is created and maintained by both the facilitator of a group and its members. Primary ingredients are mutual respect and a chance to create trust. Another primary ingredient for a safe environment has to do with confidentiality. Confidentiality within the group setting is a shared responsibility of all members and myself as the facilitator. Group members are bound by honour and mutual respect to not divulge what is said in group education sessions.

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