The Truth in Our Stories - Centering Immigrant Voices for Faithful Growth
Book and video study, weekly sessions for 6 weeks
4 time and day options: Thursdays at 11am and 7pm, Saturdays at 10am, Sundays at 5pm
Starting the week of September 12th, 14th, and 15th
Sessions online via Zoom
Contact us at with questions
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Name - First and Last *
In which city do you live? (Your response will help shape some of the content) *
Are you part of a faith community? If so, please share which one
Information about the session options
Participants are encouraged to select a session option in the next question to indicate which day and time they intend to attend the weekly study. Your selection will help us to plan ahead. 

However, one of the benefits of the four options being offered in tandem is that if you end up having a scheduling conflict with your intended session, you can hop into one of the other 3 options happening in that same week. In fact, it's ok if you end up switching up which session you attend every week. We don't want anyone to miss out!
What session option to you intend to attend? *
I understand I need to purchase a copy of the book The Truth in Our Stories by Monica Tornoe, Elizabeth Wright, and Jesus Jesse Esparza to fully participate. 

Paperback and eBook copies are available from major booksellers online and can be ordered by most independent booksellers. Purchases directly from are discounted for the month of August and will support immigration legal services through JFON.
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