NENC Child Health and Wellbeing Network - Membership 2024
Keeping you in touch with Child Health and Wellbeing activities and progress across the region. Please fill in the form below to receive our bulletins, newsletters and opportunities from across the region.  

As well as the generic communications, you may be contacted about information specific to one of our priorities, please indicate below your area of expertise and interest.
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First name:
Which sector do you work in? *
What is your organisation? (if relevant)
What is your job title? (if relevant)
Which area does your work cover?       (OR if you are completing this as a young person or family member- which area do you live in)
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In line with our priority areas, what topics would you like information on?
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In line with our enablers and cross-cutting themes, what topics would you like information on?
And finally, is there anything else that you would like to share with us that we may not have covered?
Thank you for helping us maintain a strong membership for our Network!
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